What True Love Means?


True love goes beyond emotional gush and sentimental feelings, though it includes that in different ways.

In Psychology, theres a theory about love which is called The Triangular Theory of Love developed by psychologist Robert Sternberg. Accordingly, there are three components to a more successful relationship: Intimacy - a couples sense of closeness and contentedness, Passion - a couples physical, sexual and romantic attraction towards each other, and Commitment - a couples commitment towards each other.

These three components, if present in a relationship, are best to be present in a relationship. Each of these may strengthen the other component.

Overall, true love is not just a feeling of temporary emotion, of a crush, or infatuation. It includes principles behind it. And when you choose to love a person when you are pass beyond the phase of falling in love, thats when you really love a person.


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